Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Deputado Mário Silva pede a Ministro fim dos repatriamentos

Com as notícias em primeira página publicadas em jornais canadianos anunciando a saída de ilegais portugueses, a comunidade começa a tomar consciência da dimensão do problema. A posição do deputado federal Mário Silva foi já dada a conhecer so Ministro
Toronto, Março 21, 2006 - O Deputado Federal Mário Silva, pelo Cículo de Davenport, convidou o Ministro Conservador da Cidadania e Imigração a parar a remoção do Canadá de trabalhadores sem documentação.

"Esta directriz arbitrária orientadora da política do Ministro Conservador da Cidadania e Imigração é áspera, injusta e mostra uma falta completa de compaixão.” Disse Mário Silva

O Governo conservador iníciou ao seu termo demonstrando que, não só mostra grande falta de compaixão, assim como ao executar esta política, falha totalmente em compreender o impacto que a mesma resultará na indústria do sector da construção. O Ministro descreveu em relatórios para a media que este assunto é um de "baixa-prioridade."

"Como o Ministro pode dizer que este assunto é de "baixa-prioridade" é simplesmente inconcebivel, quando consideramos o impacto que terá em famílias, em indivíduos e na economia da grande área de Toronto." Continuou Mário Silva.

Há 15.000 ou mais trabalhadores sem documentação dentro do sector da construção e, ambos, a união laboral e managemento de trabalho indicaram claramente que a remoção destes trabalhadores teria um impacto devastador na indústria.

"Depois de uma completa consideração a este delicado problema, o Governo Liberal precedente tinha apresentado uma proposta a esta solução. E agora o Governo Conservador decide ignorar esta proposta e pressioná-la para a frente de uma maneira arbitrária e desumana," Salientou Mário Silva

O Membro do Parlamento da área de Toronto escreveu ao Ministro pedindo que ele revertesse este plano de acção e, em lugar dele, agir na proposta que o precedente Governo Liberal tinha preparado. (A cópia da carta segue com este comunicado de imprensa).

"Ministro acredite que a sua decisão vai afectar de um modo adverso as vidas destas pessoas que compraram casas, e fizeram uma vida no Canadá para eles e suas familias… terá também… um impacto negativo na economia desta região,” Escreveu Mário Silva na sua carta dirigida ao Ministro.

Mário Silva assegurou ao Ministro que continuará a perseguir esta matéria em cada oportunidade, dentro, e fora da Camara dos Comuns.
March 21, 2006

Honourable Monte Solberg
Minister of Citizenship and
365 Laurier Avenue West
Jean Edmonds South Tower
21st Floor
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 1L1

Dear Mr. Solberg:

I am writing with respect to your decision to arbitrarily and without notice commence to remove from Canada literally thousands of workers who have established themselves in Canada as law-abiding, hard-working and responsible residents of this country.

As you may know the issue of undocumented workers was close to resolution under the previous Liberal Government and your predecessor as minister had already prepared the necessary documentation needed to go before cabinet with his proposal.

Allow me to be as succinct as possible. The thousands of undocumented workers in the Greater Toronto Area alone are taxpayers who have worked hard to build better lives for themselves and their families. In particular, their labour within the construction trades has not only been welcome but absolutely essential to the ability of this sector of the economy to meet the demands of this industry in the Greater Toronto Area.

By your decision to remove from Canada these essential workers you are not only adversely affecting the lives of these workers and their families but also the industries in which they are employed. This is not a matter of undocumented workers taking the jobs of others residing in Canada. There is simply not the labour pool necessary to support this industry without these workers. I invite you to inquire about this fact from any union representative or industry stakeholder. Clearly, you have not done so or the sheer folly of your decisions would be readily apparent.



You should also know that the impact of your decisions upon these workers and their families is also felt at a level beyond the material. These are families with children enrolled in Canadian schools who have made this country their home. In undertaking this arbitrary action you are causing great pain and hardship to these workers and their families.

The zeal with which you and your government have implemented this policy of removal is really quite appalling and totally inconsistent with Canadian values of compassion and inclusiveness. Indeed, the website of your ministry has already posted a notice with respect to this issue and in so doing reflects your apparent unyielding dedication to your approach to this issue.

These are families that contribute to the betterment of the communities in which they live. They pay taxes, attend school and participate within their respective communities.

A proposal to resolve the issue of undocumented workers was readily available to you when you assumed office. After a long period of deep reflection, consultation and review a compassionate and practical solution was in place for implementation. You have ignored this solution and taken immeasurable steps backward.

Minister, make no mistake, your decision will adversely affect the lives of these people who have bought homes and made lives for themselves and their families in Canada. It will also, as noted, negatively impact the economy of this region.

I urge you in the strongest possible terms to reconsider this misguided, harsh and completely unnecessary policy decision.

I look forward to hearing from you promptly and assure you that I will continue to pursue this matter with vigour and resolve.

Yours truly,
Mario Silva
Member of Parliament
for Davenport

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