Friday, December 30, 2005

New York - city of Dreams

What a city!!!What a wounderfull oportunity to see a place where so much has been accomplished and so many have perished on the quest for a dream. Have you ever been in New york? Tell me about your experience. Last February I left Toronto under a Winter embrace to find Spring in New York. Sunshine, Life, Warmth. I will never forget it. I will visit again. As an azorean I looked for people from Azores. I was not lucky. I know that there are lots of Portuguese in the city, but I was unable to localize azoreans. If any of you know of Azoreans in New York please tell me.

Nova Iorque. Que cidade! Que bela oportunidade para conhecer um lugar onde tanto foi conseguido e onde muitos ficaram pelo caminho na conquista de um sonho. Tentei encontrar açorianos/as. Pouca sorte. Se souberem de alguém, digam-me.

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