Friday, December 30, 2005

When life was light

This is Ziza.
We first met in S. Miguel - Azores...let me see...20...25 years ago. Well destiny surprised us when she married Peter from Holland who took her to Canada. B.C. Chilliwack. Two decades after we strolled the streets of Ponta Delgada city, we got together again for a wedding. She had changed. But her smile was still there.
Full time mom, I am sure she holds a secret desire to get back to public life. She has lots of potential. But she hates to write. It is hard lazy... When I think of Ziza I think of other friends who keep alive our memories of the islands: Luis Bettencourt, Carlos, João Soares Ferreira, Carlos Tavares, Black, the vomiting water of the vulcanos and the beauty of the landscape.
Those were the days when life was light to us...
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