Wednesday, January 18, 2006


He hides and lies like a wounded woolf,
and he abuses me with silences,
games of words...displeasure for my being.
He abuses me when he eats my cooking
without a word, a gesture of appreciation.
He abuses me when he plays with my mind
disturbs my faith, relinquishes my dream.
He abuses me when he calls me stupid
and holds me accountable for being unkind.
He abuses me when he takes my words
distorting meanings and purposes.
He abuses me for not loving the body
my soul rests upon after a day of labour.
He abuses me for not seeing that my name
holds a story, a will, a road to conquer.

Humberta Araújo
Jan. 2006


musalia said...

lindissimo! e é tanta a violentação pelas palavras e pelo silêncio!

O diabo está nos detalhes said...

cunnus reborn.. curiosa acepção do termo.

island said...

Yes I am your "social". I think I have entered with my own experience in the lives of many, Unfortynately to many.

island said...

m.zen é realmente curiosa mas com muitos significados escondidos.