Sunday, January 15, 2006

TIME is Mine

I have been missing time…for a long time
…And I crave for those lost hours!

Who took time away from me?
Who concealed my moments?
Who deprived me of memory?

Time consumed
Changing diapers of domestic imagery.

Time is mine!

Who went through my pots and pans
And consumed my time?
Through the pages of my dishes
I saw no discernment,
Because I washed them,
Many times I scrubbed them
So you could feast upon my hours
And take charge of remembrance.

Every time I scrubbed the floors
And cooked sumptuous meals,
You embezzled words that were mine.
Presumptuous you wrote the script
Deliberately forgetting that it was I
Who gave you the time
To marvel at the sight of power.

You wanted me to believe
That giving birth was my time.

…now, I deliver pages unkind to your ears,
Wicked words that threaten your rhyme.

Humberta Araújo

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